How To Make Friends in Online School

Kat Emily
7 min readJan 13, 2021

We all have one obvious thing in common right now: we are stuck at home (hopefully, please stay home!), and most of the things we used to do have likely transitioned to an online format. Unfortunately, that includes work and school.

Personally, I have only experienced one full in-person semester of college. In the one semester I was allowed on campus, I made a handful of friends through classes and my job, and went to a total of 1 frat party (and honestly, ew). With only a few friends from a single semester, transitioning to online school was very difficult. Craving a fun college experience, I was determined to make friends anyway.

One thing I have learned about in college is how essential it is to have at least one class friend in each course. Even if you don’t become lifelong pals, you will at least have someone to fill you in on missed classes and to talk to when you look at an assignment and say “WTF??”. My class friends have often helped me bump up a letter grade just by being there to help. It can also make you feel much more comfortable to have someone to sit next to everyday, or to text during Zooms.

OK, so how do you make friends when you can’t even meet any of your classmates?

Using these tips for one online semester gave me a new best friend that I talk to everyday and a few extra points on…



Kat Emily

22 | BA English Writing & Film Crit | another down bad Gen Z